When Bible Reading is Hard

It’s a new year, and a new season.  But we’re kicking off the season a little differently this time.  We’re well aware that the beginning of January is the time where Bible reading plans are aplenty, and there’s a ton of different ideas of how to kickstart our devotional lives again.  But we’re also aware that the guilt, distraction and apathy that accompany Bible reading are real, and that they can be significant hurdles to opening our Bibles and enjoying Jesus for ourselves.

We thought it may be helpful to tackle some of the nagging questions we all have.  Questions like:

  • Should it be this hard?

  • Where do I even start?

  • What’s stopping me reading my Bible?

  • I don’t feel like I've got capacity - is it worth it?

  • What if it just feels boring?

So we’ve produced some bitesize episodes, just 5-7 minutes long, on these questions that will be delivered into your inbox over a five day period as this new year gets going.  With these episodes you’ll also receive, thanks to Crossway, a free chapter from Kristen Wetherell’s book, ‘Help for the Hungry Soul’. We were so thankful to welcome Kristen onto the podcast for Episode 1, to have a candid conversation about the whole topic of when Bible reading just feels hard. It truly was a gift of a conversation and we pray that it continues to be an encouragement to you, along with the chapter from her excellent book too. (We heartily recommend the whole book too!)

With all of this, we’re praying we’re all able to start the year with an honest look at what we find hard, and that what would follow are some honest conversations with the Lord to that end. Why not use one of our prayers we’ve written to help you get started?


Prayers for When Bible Reading is Hard


Remember Him (Ecclesiastes 12)