Your Road Map to Deuteronomy

As we launch into Deuteronomy this season, we’re well aware that it’s not quite as simple as just reading it chapter by chapter, as we’ve done with other books of the Bible we’ve studied so far on the podcast.

But we’re also aware of the danger of cherry-picking our way through, only choosing passages that either resonate with us or are easier to understand. No, that’s not what we’re about as we sit down for twenty minutes with the Bible open in front of us. We want all of God’s word to speak to us, and we want to sit in the narrative and story, soaking in this part of Scripture, and feeling the distinct weight of challenge and encouragement that comes from Deuteronomy.

So we’re going to be talking through the whole book. But we won’t be reading every chapter. We’ve split the book into chunks, and will aim to talk through those chunks week by week. As we say a lot on the podcast, this is simply just the starter of a conversation - think of what we’re recording as the mere highlights of what we’ve been dwelling on, in these particular chapters. And our prayer, as ever, is that it will inspire you to get talking about Deuteronomy with a friend for yourself!

So - here’s the map for where we’re heading through the course of the season. Get Deuteronomy open, get reading it for yourself, and we’re praying our conversations will help you to dig deeper and deeper into the riches of this book!


The Joy of Shared Moments


Top Tips for Getting into Deuteronomy