Do you Long for Joy?


Who doesn’t long for a deep seated joy that permeates all of life? A joy that seems to transcend the hardest seasons? A joy that is unshakable, even in the face of imminent death? What a thing it would be to have such joy!

The extraordinary news in Paul’s letter to the Philippian church is that this joy is not beyond our reach. Whilst it can often feel like it is, Paul begs to differ! And he sets out in his letter to show the Philippians, and us - in his words, prayers and actions, how it is possible for everyone to have such joy. Everyone.

Not just the super-Christians who seem to have it altogether. Or the people who seem to sail through life unscathed. Paul seeks to show his readers the opposite in fact. The letter is bubbling with joyful encouragement - not for those who have it easy, but for those who are weathering the tough seasons. For those facing opposition. For those dealing with conflict. For those beset with anxieties. Just as this letter is for all of us, this joy that Paul overflows with, can also be ours too.

So let’s come expectant to see how the Lord will indeed grow our joy as we open this letter! No doubt we’ve all go questions as we come to it, and that’s the best way to begin. But just as Paul shows us that his joy is intimately linked with knowing Christ more and more, may that also be true of us in this season.

Whatever life looks like for you right now, may studying Philippians draw your heart closer to Christ, and fuel your joy in him, to the praise of His glory.


Season 11: Here We Go


More than Information: Driving it to the Heart