Season 11: Here We Go

The road map to Philippians is here! We know how helpful people find it to know where we’re going, before the episodes start dropping. This is how we’ve chosen to split Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church into manageable chunks - but it’s only one of many ways of doing it. And, as ever, we may get to the end of the letter, and have different conclusions about how it’s all structured and how it all fits together.

Philippians may feel like a familiar book to many of us. And yet, as we’ve begun to get into it for ourselves, we are more aware than ever that we never ‘arrive’ at having understood a Bible book. Familiarity can indeed be a dangerous thing, preventing us from seeing afresh what’s in front of us. We are deeply aware of our ever-increasing need for the Lord to be at work as we open Scripture, pleading with him to give us insight and understanding, ultimately that Christ may be exalted.

And yet, as we pray, we can also be confident that he will truly work through his word of life. This powerful, living, active word will indeed get to work in our hearts, minds and souls as we let it sink in, and as we endeavour to work hard at understanding it for our own ‘progress and joy in the faith’. Bring it on!

Will you join us as we open Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi? Grab your map, a cuppa and biscuit and let’s get going!


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Do you Long for Joy?